Playwrighting Together!

Playwright Together is a great way to collaborate with other writers to make outstanding literary masterpieces.

  • It lets you Play Right Together!
  • It lets you Play Write Together!
  • It lets you Playwright Together!

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Write a play
Let your creativity out

Register and start writing your first play!

  • Quick and Easy Registration
  • Start a play as easy as entering a title
  • Select the number of acts in your play
  • First 3 months are free
  • $1/Month after promo period

1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Act Plays

  • Add Collaborators
  • Add Cast members
  • Add Scenes/Dialog

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Add Collaborators!

Playwright Together lets you work with other playwrights or commentors. Letting you create unique and high quality plays. Give them full access to write content, or only allow them to add comments to help you refine the play.

  • Enter email address (we'll send them an invitation/validation email)
  • Select their access level:
  • Playwright - co-writer, can add play content
  • Commentor - can only leave comments
  • When a collaborator registers you get 3 free months added to your subscription

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Download your play

Playwright Together follows the standardized layout for plays. You can view your script in its output format any time you want, and click the Print button to print your play directly to your printer.

  • Download the Play
  • Outputs in standard play format
  • Printable version
  • Ready to submit!

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