Learn More About PlayWrightTogether


Easy registration, just first/last and email.

You'll get an email to validate your address before completing registration.

3 months free full use of the service.

Extra month for each of your collaborators that registers.

$1 / month after initial period.


Playwright Together is a great way to collaborate with other writers to make outstanding literary masterpieces.

Add collaborators at any time.

More heads are better than one.

No more writer's block when there is more than one writer.

Add collaborators that are only allowed to comment.


Collaborators get an email link to register/signup.

You can choose between Playwright or Commentor.

Commentor can only save comments about parts of the script.

Playwright level gives full access.

System keeps track of who added what.


We follow the standards for play writing, and the outputs are submittable.

Stage version, reading version and submittable formats.


We never sell any information to anybody.

We never give out any information to anybody.

We will only contact you about this website.

Our website is secured with a security certificate.

Our data is secured in an encrypted database.

Register Here!